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GHGA Connector

The GHGA Connector is a command line tool and Python library facilitating interaction with the file storage infrastructure of GHGA. Currently, it provides functionality for downloading and decrypting files.

Installation and Upgrade

We recommend installing / upgrading to the latest version of the GHGA connector using pip.

Install or upgrade:

pip install --upgrade ghga-connector

Crypt4gh Keys

GHGA Connector requires a Crypt4GH key pair to download data. Please create a pair of Crypt4GH keys if you don't already have one. The public key is also needed for the creation of the download token through the Data Portal.

By default, GHGA Connector looks for the keys at ./ and ./key.sec. You can either place your keys there or use CLI options to specify your key locations.


Usage: ghga-connector [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --install-completion [bash|zsh|fish|powershell|pwsh]
                                  Install completion for the specified shell.
  --show-completion [bash|zsh|fish|powershell|pwsh]
                                  Show completion for the specified shell, to
                                  copy it or customize the installation.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

  decrypt   Command to decrypt a downloaded file
  download  Command to download files


The download command is used to download files. In order to download files, you must provide a download token, which contains both the download instructions and authentication details.

Download command usage:

Usage: ghga-connector download [OPTIONS]

  Command to download files

  --output-dir PATH           The directory to put the downloaded files into.
  --my-public-key-path PATH   The path to a public key from the Crypt4GH key
                              pair that was announced when the download token
                              was created. Defaults to in the current
                              folder.  [default: ./]
  --my-private-key-path PATH  The path to a private key from the Crypt4GH key
                              pair that was announced when the download token
                              was created. Defaults to key.sec in the current
                              folder.  [default: ./key.sec]
  --help                      Show this message and exit.

Download Token

GHGA Connector requires a download token to authenticate and process your request against GHGA Central. Each download request - which may comprise multiple files - is represented by a download token, which should be created via the GHGA Data Portal. For further information on how to create a download token, please refer to the Data Download documentation.

Download Examples

  1. To download a dataset:
    ghga-connector download --output-dir <OUTPUT-DIR>
    You will then be asked to provide the download token:
    Please paste the complete download token that you copied from the GHGA data portal: 
    Paste the download token you created via the GHGA data portal and the download process will be initiated.


The files you download are encrypted. To decrypt a file, please use the decrypt command.

Decrypt command usage:

Usage: ghga-connector decrypt [OPTIONS]

  Command to decrypt a downloaded file

  --input-dir PATH            Path to the directory containing files that
                              should be decrypted using a common decryption
                              key.  [required]
  --output-dir PATH           Optional path to a directory that the decrypted
                              file should be written to. Defaults to input
  --my-private-key-path PATH  The path to a private key from the Crypt4GH key
                              pair that was announced when the download token
                              was created. Defaults to key.sec in the current
                              folder.  [default: ./key.sec]
  --help                      Show this message and exit.

Decrypt Examples

  1. To decrypt files:
    ghga-connector decrypt --input-dir <INPUT-DIR>