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An Experiment Method Supporting File is a File that contains additional information relevant for the Experiment Method, such as (unstructured) protocols.



description : The file format of the Supporting File (e.g., TXT, JSON).
required : True
data type : Controlled Vocabulary

Permissible Values
Permissible Values Description
CSV Tabular data represented as comma-separated values in a text file.
JSON JavaScript Object Notation format; a lightweight, text-based format to represent tree-structured data using key-value pairs.
PED The PED file describes individuals and genetic data and is used by the Plink package.
TSV Tabular data represented as tab-separated values in a text file.
TXT Textual format. Data in text format can be compressed into binary format, or can be a value of an XML element or attribute. Markup formats are not considered textual (or more precisely, not plain-textual).
YAML YAML (YAML Ain't Markup Language) is a human-readable tree-structured data serialisation language.
OTHER A file format not captured by the controlled vocabulary.


description : The Experiment Method associated with an entity.
required : True
data type : ExperimentMethod


description : The given filename.
required : True
data type : string


description : The Dataset alias associated with this File.
required : True
data type : Dataset


description : The EGA accession ID of an entity.
required : False
data type : string


description : Whether a File is included in the Submission or not.
required : True
data type : boolean


description : The alias for an entity at the time of submission.
required : True
data type : string