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A Data Access Policy specifies under which circumstances, legal or otherwise, a user can have access to one or more Datasets belonging to one or more Studies.



description : A name for this Data Access Policy.
required : True
data type : string


description : A short description for this Data Access Policy.
required : True
data type : string


description : The complete text for the Data Access Policy.
required : True
data type : string


description : An alternative to the Data Access Policy text is to provide the URL for the policy. This is useful if the terms of the policy are available online at a resolvable URL.
required : False
data type : string


description : The Data Use Permission associated with this Data Use Policy. The used term should be a descendant of 'DUO:0000001: data use permission' (e.g., no restriction).
required : True
data type : Controlled Vocabulary

Permissible Values
Permissible Values Description
GENERAL_RESEARCH_USE This data use permission indicates that use is allowed for general research use for any research purpose.
HEALTH_OR_MEDICAL_OR_BIOMEDICAL_RESEARCH This data use permission indicates that use is allowed for health/medical/biomedical purposes; does not include the study of population origins or ancestry.
DISEASE_SPECIFIC_RESEARCH This data use permission indicates that use is allowed provided it is related to the specified disease.
NO_RESTRICTION This data use permission indicates there is no restriction on use.
POPULATION_ORIGINS_OR_ANCESTRY_RESEARCH_ONLY This data use permission indicates that use of the data is limited to the study of population origins or ancestry.


description : The DUO ID corresponding to the Data Use Permission term (e.g., DUO:0000004).
required : True
data type : string


description : One or more Data Use Modifiers for the Data Use Permission associated with this Data Use Policy. The used terms should be descendants of 'DUO:0000017: data use modifier' (e.g., clinical care use). Please use 'USER_SPECIFIC_RESTRICTION' if no other modifier applies.
required : False
data type : Controlled Vocabulary

Permissible Values
Permissible Values Description
CLINICAL_CARE_USE This data use modifier indicates that use is allowed for clinical use and care. Clinical Care is defined as Health care or services provided at home, in a healthcare facility or hospital. Data may be used for clinical decision making.
RETURN_TO_DATABASE_OR_RESOURCE This data use modifier indicates that the requestor must return derived/enriched data to the database/resource.
INSTITUTION_SPECIFIC_RESTRICTION This data use modifier indicates that use is limited to use within an approved institution.
PROJECT_SPECIFIC_RESTRICTION This data use modifier indicates that use is limited to use within an approved project.
USER_SPECIFIC_RESTRICTION This data use modifier indicates that use is limited to use by approved users.
TIME_LIMIT_ON_USE This data use modifier indicates that use is approved for a specific number of months. This should be coupled with an integer value indicating the number of months.
PUBLICATION_MORATORIUM This data use modifier indicates that requestor agrees not to publish results of studies until a specific date. This should be coupled with a date specified as ISO8601.
GEOGRAPHICAL_RESTRICTION This data use modifier indicates that use is limited to within a specific geographic region. This should be coupled with an ontology term describing the geographical location the restriction applies to.
ETHICS_APPROVAL_REQUIRED This data use modifier indicates that the requestor must provide documentation of local IRB/ERB approval.
COLLABORATION_REQUIRED This data use modifier indicates that the requestor must agree to collaboration with the primary study investigator(s). This could be coupled with a string describing the primary study investigator(s).
PUBLICATION_REQUIRED This data use modifier indicates that requestor agrees to make results of studies using the data available to the larger scientific community.
NOT_FOR_PROFIT_NON_COMMERCIAL_USE_ONLY This data use modifier indicates that use of the data is limited to not-for-profit organizations and not-for-profit use, non-commercial use.
NON_COMMERCIAL_USE_ONLY This data use modifier indicates that use of the data is limited to not-for-profit use. This indicates that data can be used by commercial organisations for research purposes, but not commercial purposes.
NOT_FOR_PROFIT_ORGANISATION_USE_ONLY This data use modifier indicates that use of the data is limited to not-for-profit organizations.
GENETIC_STUDIES_ONLY This data use modifier indicates that use is limited to genetic studies only (i.e., studies that include genotype research alone or both genotype and phenotype research, but not phenotype research exclusively).
NO_GENERAL_METHODS_RESEARCH This data use modifier indicates that use does not allow methods development research (e.g., development of software or algorithms).
RESEARCH_SPECIFIC_RESTRICTIONS This data use modifier indicates that use is limited to studies of a certain research type.
POPULATION_ORIGINS_OR_ANCESTRY_RESEARCH_PROHIBITED This data use modifier indicates use for purposes of population, origin, or ancestry research is prohibited.


description : The DUO IDs corresponding to the Data Use Modifier terms (e.g., DUO:0000043).
required : False
data type : string


description : The EGA accession ID of an entity.
required : False
data type : string


description : The Data Access Committee linked to this Data Use Policy.
required : True
data type : DataAccessCommittee


description : The alias for an entity at the time of submission.
required : True
data type : string